Alan Keyes, a 2008 presidential candidate who now is a plaintiff in one of the many lawsuits seeking to verify whether Barack Obama qualifies under the U.S. Constitution's requirements to occupy the Oval Office, says the tactics adopted by lawyers for the president confirm there is an issue for the courts to investigate.
CHICAGO - Sen. Roland Burris admitted Saturday that former Gov. Rod Blagojevich's brother asked him for a campaign contribution before the governor appointed Burris to the Senate.
The disclosure is at odds with Burris' testimony in January when an Illinois House impeachment committee specifically asked if he had ever spoken to Robert Blagojevich or other aides to the now-deposed governor about the Senate seat vacated by Barack Obama.
A wild and varied career - Programmer for 35++yrs, Teacher, photographer, now living in Texas. Worked on post-Katrina construction in the Big Easy, National Officer for a veteran's organization, politically active, a California newspaper called me an iconoclast. My interest in the law brought me to the ancient writ of Quo Warranto, where I had a chance to digitize High's and Bailey's. In the meantime, my friends and I discovered massive corruption in California, including felonies by Judges and others. Long story short, exit stage right!